On April 27, Gay-Straight Alliance club hosted the Day of Silence. The club holds the Day of Silence to raise awareness for the LGBT community, as many members are silenced and feel the struggle to reveal their true self. The school has been participating in the national awareness day for the past three years.
GSA set up stations to promote the day at every school entrance. There, students would sign up for the day. Pins were handed out at the station, as some students showed support through wearing pins. Cards were also given out to state that one is not able to speak in class.
The Day of Silence took place during the entire school day, but some students chose not to speak all day in and out of school.
Marelena Halikias
GSA set up tables near each school entrance with pins, candy, and information on LGBT youth.
“To me personally, this day was to respect members of the LGBT community and to try to walk a mile in their shoes,” said Laura Hayes, junior. “Many of them have no choice but to remain silent due to discrimination and backlash. This is just one of many ways to honor them.”
GSA started to promote the day in April by selling T-shirts at lunch in early April. They also made announcements and put up posters around the school.
“The response to this day has been great. Lots of people participated, and I’m proud of the support our school is giving to this cause,” said Katherine Nowak, GSA president.
Westmont High school hosted a “Night of Noise.” The Night of Noise is a follow-up celebration within the LGBT community, and many students participated.
“We just wanted to raise awareness here and around the nation,” said Ms. Hilding, GSA sponsor. “Many students are bullied, and it is important to raise awareness of their struggles.”